This is Venu here, Feeling blessed to be here!

Share your life-story on how you got inspired to pursue your interest in PLRT.
About your training experience at Amarantos and how you started on this journey and where you are a present.


Hi Venu, I see that all posts need to be approved by you to appear. When do you think you will be able to relax that rule? Just thinking it might put additional work for you to keep reading and approving everyone’s posts including responses to questions by other users :slight_smile:


Thank you for sharing this Dear Vidya,
The system is designed in such a way that as we start interacting with it, it starts developing and moving us up the trust ladder. Very soon, all your post will get posted directly and I think some of you will also become moderators.
Just keep interacting with the system and it will keep moving you up.
Do check this link on how it works Understanding Discourse Trust Levels