Brainwave responsible for sleep menace during meditation

Why do meditators fall asleep meditating!
Let’s discuss it using the brainwaves model we learned in the 5-day workshop.

Or the tri-gunas


Two types of brain waves are involved in this process, namely :

Theta 4-9 Hz produced during meditation, mental imagery and relaxation and
Delta 0-4 Hz produced during Deep meditation.

Sometimes during meditation in our attempt to tap into the unconscious which is by going to delta we pass through the theta frequency and sleep takes over.

PLRT is done at Delta frequency but the continuous instructions from the
therapist keep the client active and thus due to alternating between Delta
and Beta the client is able to integrate the experiences and does not slip
into sleep .


Delta brainwaves (0.5 to 4 Hertz) are the brainwaves most commonly associated with inducing sleepiness and drowsiness.

While it is normal to experience some delta brainwaves during meditation. However, if one consistently feel sleepy during meditation, it may be a sign that one’s brain is producing too many delta waves.

During meditation mainly, Alpha (8 to 12 Hertz) and Theta (4 to 8 Hertz) brainwaves are produced. While, the alpha is responsible for decrease in distracting thoughts, increase in focus & alertness, the theta increases intuition & creativity. Both of these highten the relaxation and mental clarity.

To counter the effects of excessive delta waves during meditation and stay alert and focused, it is important to ensure that you are well-rested and focused when you begin your meditation practice, as this can help to enhance the production of alpha and theta waves and improve your overall meditation experience.


While meditation our brain waves will be 8-12.99hz i.e., Alpha state. which is also beginning stage of sleep. After a certain time of meditation we will reach theta state i.e., 4-7.99hz brain waves. At this point of time, due to lack of rest, we fall asleep.