How to Use This Forum

My Dear Loved Ones,

We have started our PLRT forum which you was so far accessible from

After 5 years of waiting we’ve finally upgraded it and moved to

Vision is for this to be the place for clients to find answers and genuine PLR therapists. As it’s still under development we’ve made it an invite only.

So to access the new forum you’d just need to go the link (not case sensitive, written in camel case only for convenience)

Let me know if you have any issues being able to login as the login should be the same as before. Just enter your registered email address and click on “Forgot Password”

Best way to use this app would be to keep it installed on your phone.

For Android phones, just go to in the chrome browser and

Click on the three vertical dots on the right hand upper corner

Followed by clicking on “Install App”

This will add a shortcut to your mobile home screen which you can quite easily use to interact with the app.

For Apple iPhone or iOS

Load the page and click on the “Share” button and scroll down to “Add to home screen”

That’s it!

The major highlight of the new version is the leaderboard which is as of now accessible only to internal users

Even non logged in members can now see your profile so do update it and add links to your Instagram or website

Update your profile so that everyone can have the access to reach you directly

To update your profile click on the right hand upper corner on your pic and click on the person icon and Preferences

Followed by Profile, do add links to your website and etc

All the best in making this world a better place!


Dear Dr Venu,

I am so so happy going through and using the brand new Forum. Your Heart and Soul is what I could find in its transformative appearance and functionality. The choice of colours and graphics too is so soothing and rich. The site is easy to navigate and operates like a well oiled machine. :innocent: :innocent:

My heartfelt compliments and sincere gratitude for gifting us such a platform to work together.
:heart: :heart:
Best Regards,

:maple_leaf: :maple_leaf: :maple_leaf:


How to activate dark mode.

We’ll have to develop this Beloved Naveen, will have it done in a few days :blush:


Beloved @Naveen_kumar the dark mode support has now been enabled :slight_smile:


Thank you Master @venu.

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